The principal responsibility of the EFL curriculum in the sublevel EGB Media is to develop learners who can communicate basic needs and information in English; learners who can effectively respond to a range of age-appropriate social situations as well as literary texts. Engaging learners’ senses can meet this goal within an enriched, meaningful language environment. Consequently, the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth of the learners, as well as their language abilities, has been carefully considered throughout all five curricular threads, in order to help learners, grow into critical and creative thinkers as they progress from an A1.2 to A2.2 level of the CEFR.

Main goals
Recognizing that culture is closely related to language, it can be concluded that cultural awareness is an essential component of communication instruction in the EFL classroom. R. MINEDUC
Acquire L2 through extended listening experiences and negotiating meaning. R. MINEDUC

Improving learners’ writing skills is a sure way to develop a solid foundation for future literacy development. R. MINEDUC